I am knocking on 70 ,diagnosed 5 years with bowel cancer,24 weeks intense chemo and radiotherapy,keyhole surgery on bowel cancer 12 October, then found it had spread to the liver,25 November down to Derriford for liver resection,hey ho ,all went well until after one of my three monthly scans and blood tests, it is back again.
So after a biopsy was taken from the liver which was removed,it was back in the old routine,
Ricky Grant Unit ,Monday blood tests,Tuesday plumbed into PICC line with. chemo ball for two days,back in Thursday to be disconnected,busy six months,just had three months off,bloods ok ,no further spread,so carry on with life.
No cure ,no operation , no radiotherapy,life is for living,positive frame of mind and a sense of humour.
Good luck to all,keep strong.