Hi I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in December 2013. Had surgery in January 2014 to remove a third of my tongue. Then in March I had 72 lymph nodes removed in my neck to avoid any spread if it comes back in my mouth. I had 7 weeks of radiotherapy (35 fractions) as well as 2 weeks of cisplatin chemo and a second bottle that I had to carry around 5FU chemo around my neck (4 weeks apart ) until it ran through. I also had two blood transfusions due to the chemo. My neck suffered 3rd degrees burns so the skin is really tight now making movement very difficult! I am very scared around my throat and upper chest but I'm here, early retirement now but getting on with my life. I've always tried to stay positive and I think it really got me through. God bless everybody who knows my story so well xxx