My name is Sara I'm 31 and my mum is terminally ill with bowel cancer. Her life is coming to an end, she has had it 4 years she is only 56 she has stopped all treatment now and there is nothing more they can do for her. Every day she gets worse she is deteriorating very fast and has it everywhere now even on the brain. Lately she has started to say things that don't make sense. I'm so scared that soon she won't know who I am that would devastate me! I'm petrified of her dying, I've never lost someone close to me I'm scared beyond words I feel like I won't be able to cope with this I'm not strong. My sisters getting married in just under 2 weeks and we are praying she makes the wedding. My sister moved it forward for my mum. I also have another sister who turned 21 yesterday. My mum and dad both remarried but they still get on and my dad Is also a mess to as his 3 girls are Loosing there mummy. I'm so scared of what's to come, no one understands. I live with my boyfriend and he is very supportive but it's still hard to explain how I feel. I'm working in London everyone carries in as normal having there fun lives while I go through this nightmare every single day. Any advice is much appreciated. I need all the support i can get. Love Sara x