Hi, I have a feeling something stuck in my throat for about 6 weeks now. The gland on the left side of my neck swells now and again. Unlike others mine gets worse when eating and after eating. I rang the dr but couldn’t be seen. It was a nurse not a dr, she said it was pointless seeing me, cause if I can’t see anything she won’t be able to. She spoke to a dr and I have been referred to ENT. At first it was only happening now and again and was mild, now it’s their all the time and more severe. Recently it has started making my voice croak and I am constantly drinking and trying to clear my throat. It is 100% worse than before. I already take lanzoprazol tablets for reflux, due to medication I take. I don’t think it’s stress or all in my head. I work full time and talk for a living on the phones and I start feeling at the end of my shift I am straining my throat. It’s really starting to get me down as it’s starting to put me off eating as it makes it worse after eating. When I go to bed I am still trying to clear my throat over and over till I eventually fall asleep. I am going to chase up the appointment.