06/10/19 first noticed an indent/pulled skin on breast. Then felt the lump.
16/10/19 attended the one stop breast clinic. After a number of tests, the consultant said they were almost certain i have breast cancer. Early indications are of a 30mm tumour, stage 1, no spread.
23/10/19 Confirmed cancer. Hormone receptor positive, Her2 negative. Recommended surgery first then radio or chemo depending on results.
Contrast something and microbubbles
27/11/19 lumpectomy with mastopexy (breast lift reconstruction) and sentinel node biposy
11/12/19 results - tumour exised with clear margins, one node positive with macrometastases and lymphovascular invasion positive. Needed to decide whether to have all nodes removed or treat with RT.
23/12/19 met with oncologist to discuss results. Decided on axillary clearance.
8/1/2020 Axillary clearance planned