Hi all - New to the forum after being diagnosed with Breast Cancer 2 weeks ago - No one has said that it is stage 1, but I am assuming it is - lump is oestrogen sensitive which they say is good and responds well to treatment and they are confident that they have caught it early - unsure what treatment as yet, as due to my weight I am having to be assessed by an anaesthetist tomorrow to see if they will or won't operate - if the answer is no until I can lose some weight, then the treatment would be letrozole tablets, but in order for me to be able to take them, they will need to put my ovaries to sleep as I have not had 2 clear years free from periods. Still trying to come to terms with it all and feeling guilty for feeling the way I am, especially as they are fairly confident that it is fully treatable. I am also wondering if anyone can tell me if tiredness is all part and parcel of having the cancer, it would explain why, for quite a few months now I have been incredibly tired and falling asleep during the day.