I have lung cancer. I have been informed it is terminal lung cancer. A biopsy is not possible because I have severe COPD. The only treatment I was offered was radical radiotherapy. This was offered after my first consultation with a respiratory doctor who bluntly informed me that I had terminal lung cancer and could only be treated with palliative care. My wife was with me at that consultation. I had a CT scan and was told the tumor was 14mm. I then saw a oncologist who told me I could have radical radiotherapy. From memory I was also told I had 6 months to 2 years to live. I was traumatized. I had a PET scan and saw other respiratory consultant. He told me the PET scan showed my tumor was no hot. I then saw the oncologist who explained what the pros and cons of having the therapy. I explained I could not commit at that time to have the therapy. Roughly a week or two later I phone the cancer nurse at the hospital I did not want the therapy. I was called a week or two later asking me why I was not at the hospital fro the therapy to be carried out on me.The whole thing happened over a three month period. I was traumatised through out this period. The decisions I made were in my opinion ones I now regret. I now want another PET scan and decide if I want the therapy or not with a clear mind.