Testicular cancer in 1983/84 left side orchiectomy with radiotherapy.
Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma diagnosed in 2013 and put on active surveillance. Had regular biopsies etc. and then in October 2016 underwent 6 cycles of R-Chop chemotherapy followed by 15 cycles of radiotherapy.
2024 after CT and PET scans showed nodule in right lung a CT guided lung biopsy was carried out on the 21st November 2024. On the 29th of November lung cancer confirmed (Adenocarcinoma). It was then arranged for me to be admitted to St. James's Leeds for a right VATS S2 segmentectomy on January 17th 2025.
Prior to this I also had a needle biopsy of the lymph nodes under my right arm on 27th December 2024, I received the results on the 15th January and was told the biopsies have shown I have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) and that for now I would be put on active monitoring.
The lung surgery went well apart from getting Chylothorax post surgery, however after nearly a month I am now at home waiting for the results of the biopsies of the lung to see if I will require any more treatment in the future.
I will try and keep this updated.