I do not have cancer myself however my long term partner has metastatic bladder cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes. His cancer did not respond to chemotherapy so, with a terminal cancer diagnosis, 2 years ago he started treatment with Pembrolizumab, initially funded by Merck through the compassionate access scheme and subsequently through the Cancer Drugs Fund. The Pembrolizumab worked brilliantly and all the tumours melted away. However, in February at his regular 6 weekly appointment for his treatment he was told he could not have any more as the drug is only funded for 2 years. It was a terrible shock and very upsetting for him and those around him. The mental impact of having cancer alone is enough without having to then come to terms with having the treatment that's been keeping you alive stopped.
Sorry this isn't a summary about me but I I felt so upset and desperate to help. So to try to help, not just my partner but any other cancer patient on immunotherapy or at the end of a 2 year course of treatment, I submitted an e-petition to ask the government to provide funding to extend immunotherapy drugs beyond 2 years or to fund further treatment if the disease returns and (after fighting it's way through the COVID related petitions) it was finally published earlier this week.
Sorry this isn't a summary about me but I wanted to reach out to other cancer patients who might want to support the petition by signing and/or sharing it and I didn't know how to reach out.
I hope people don;t mind me asking for help.
Sadly my partners cancer has already returned since the immunotherapy was stopped and he has just finished a course of radiotherapy.
I can't believe it can be right that treatment that is working for a cancer patient is removed when it is clearly working.