Losing a grandparent

I am struggling to come to terms with my grandad's recent death from ampullary cancer. He was such an incredible person and it still all doesn't feel real. This year I've decided to take part in the race for life because I'm trying to help others with cancer and support in any way that I can and I also thought doing this in his memory would really help me with my grief. I was wondering if I shared my story by adding the link I could gain support by people sharing or donating if they could in any possible way as I am trying to spread the word. Cancer is a horrible illness and has taken so many loved ones from us, I'm hoping one day we find a cure.  

  • Hello copingwithloss_21

    I'm so very sorry to hear about the recent loss of your grandad. I can tell from your post that you loved him very much and that this has been a difficult time for you. 

    I wanted to thank you for supporting Cancer Research UK in your Grandad's memory. I'm sure he would be very proud of you. 

    I've moved your post into the Your Fundraising topic area on the forum and you're welcome to share your story here. You might also find it useful to have a look at this information on our website for some practical fundraising help and advice. 

    We wish you well with your fundraising and hope you enjoy the Race for Life event. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you so much, I have attached a link below to my just giving page and wanted to say thank you in advance for anyone who supports!