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Bio banks

A friend of mine is recovering from colon cancer. Along the way I have come across Bio banks and their partnership with the NHS. I am just curious if anyone has had experience or knowledge about this area on a personal level. 

Thank you!

  • Hi llouno, 

    I hope that your friend is recovering well after being diagnosed with colon cancer. You bring up an interesting subject and I hope that you will hear from other members who have had personal experience or knowledge of these bio banks and their partnership with the NHS. 

    In the meantime, I thought I would share with you this interesting article on biobanking which was published a couple of years ago on our Cancer News site which looks at how impactful biobanking has been for cancer research. 

    Best wishes to you and your friend, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you. I agree in principle anything that forwards cancer research is great and I’m in full support. However, not at the cost of patient care and integrity. I wonder how many people that donate tissue truly understand what they are signing up for and if protocols are being followed. I would argue there’s reason to believe they are not. I wanted to know if Biobank/NHS research is familiar to people that have recently had surgery- because chances are they’ve unknowingly signed up for it. I would like to know who has experienced discussions pre consent and what they understand of the research and their participation. My hunch is understandably people aren’t really bothered by tissue they don’t need and would otherwise be binned, and it’s that understanding and attitude which I believe may be getting taken advantage of in our hospitals. 

  • Hi Llouno, thank you for your comment.

    Cancer Chat moderators aren’t able to comment or give you any further information on this subject but if you have questions about Cancer Research in general you can contact our supporter services team who will be more than happy to help.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator