Every five years since 2015, Sarcoma UK has surveyed the sarcoma community to understand and improve care across the UK. Findings have helped shape support services and influenced policy decisions. As the third National Sarcoma Survey launches, the voices of the sarcoma community are more important than ever.
Why your voices matter:
Your experience will directly influence future care and support. Your insights will strengthen our case for policy change and your responses will help others on their sarcoma journey
It takes just 20 minutes to complete, and you can participate if you:
Have or have had sarcoma, care for someone with sarcoma or are a parent of a child under 16 with sarcoma
I would also be very grateful if participants could share the survey with their own networks, or anyone they think may want to respond. They're trying to reach as wide as possible an audience, hearing from voices across different communities across the UK and beat the 1100 responses received in the 2020 National Sarcoma Survey.
The survey closes 31 March 2025.
Here's link to the survey: https://sarcoma.org.uk/policy-at-sarcoma-uk/the-national-sarcoma-survey-2025/
Many thanks in advance for your participation!