Has anyone else been on this clinical trial for CLL?

Hello Everyone 

My first post sorry if its a bit all over the place , i was diagnosed with CLL in 2018 and in 2024 my lymph nodes have swollen and i have been ask to do a trial if im accepted on sonrotoclax and zanubrutinib the  trial has been gong since 2020  was wondering if anyone else has been on the trial or any positive advice 


  • Hi andyscooter and a warm welcome to our friendly community, 

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope that you will hear from others here who have taken part in this particular clinical trial and that they will pop by and share their experience with you. 

    I had a look on the forum to see if I could find other members who had mentioned this trial but I was not able to find anything so far -  perhaps someone will read your post though and come and tell you more about their journey on this trial so far. 

    However, I did come across this CLL post by  and this member's husband was diagnosed with CLL and was asking just a few months ago about Zanubrutinib so it could be a good person for you to connect with. This is just one example hopefully amongst many of members of Cancer Chat who have been affected by CLL and I hope that you will hear the stories of others who have had a similar diagnosis and treatment. 

    Best of luck with the trial and treatment options you might be considering at the moment - I hope it all goes well for you! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator