Recruiting Research Participants - Interview Study - Advanced Cancer

Good morning everyone,

My name is Mino, a PhD student at King's College London.

We are currently recruiting adults (18+) living in England and are diagnosed with advanced cancer (stage 3-4), or provide care to someone with advanced cancer.

The purpose of this study is to explore the impacts changes in walking ability (mobility) have on people with advanced cancer and their caregivers. The study involves a 5 minute questionnaire and 2 interviews.

The study is being sponsored by King's College London and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

If you are interested in participating, or would like any further information please email me at:

Thank you very much,


p.s. If anyone uses X (Twitter), you can find the flyer for the study here: Participant Flyer 

  • Thank you for doing this study Mino. I recently lost my partner to metastatic lung cancer, so don't think I meet your criteria. But I wanted to share some experiences, which I'm not sure if are helpful. Even though he had stage 4 lung cancer he did well for a long time with it. We were able to live relatively normal lives at the beginning and adapted to our new routine. I definitely noticed that when his walking got worse, so did everything else. I definitely noticed a shift in his mood and things like his pain and fatigue got worse. It also impacted on me too as I was his main caregiver. Our children are grown up and live far away but they tried to come down and help when they could. I did have a carer come twice a day but the rest of the time it was just me. When his walking got worse it meant that he became more reliant on me to help with his everyday activities. he had always been so active all his life and i think him struggling to walk was one of the worst parts of his cancer as he lost his freedom x

  • Offline in reply to Jottie

    Hi Jottie,

    Firstly, I am really sorry to hear about the recent loss of your partner. I also want to thank you for taking the time to share your extremely valuable experiences and insights. You are correct, and unfortunately are not eligible for this study. However, there are opportunities to be involved as a 'patient, public, involvement' (PPI) member. For example, as part of the study design process, we've liaised with PPI members who helped us develop the questions that should be asked within the interviews. If this is something you might be interested in, please do send me an email (above) or add me as a friend and I can send you further details via a direct message.

    Thank you again and wishing you all the best.


  • Offline in reply to Mino

    Thank you Mino for your kind words. i am interested in the other oppotunities to get involved so please send the details over when you can. I forgot to mention in my last post i dont have twitter so can you send me the psoter for your study?, So i can bring it to the cancer support group i still go to if that is helpful x

  • Offline in reply to Jottie

    Afternoon Jottie,

    Thank you for your message and great to hear that you're interested in PPI opportunities. I have sent you a friend request. If it is easier, feel free to reach out via my university account:

    Thank you so much for offering to share the flyer with your cancer support group, that would be fantastic! I can send you across a copy once I have your details.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi all,

    Just a quick update that we are still recruiting participants for this study. If you have stage 3 or 4 cancer, or are caring for someone with cancer and would like to get involved in research, please reach out. The study provides an opportunity for you to speak with us about your experiences living with cancer, particularly in terms of the impact on walking and overall quality of life.

    Any questions or for further information, please contact me by email: or reply to this thread.

    Many thanks,
