Colonoscopy; finding it really difficult to stay positive

I had my colonoscopy today, and I'm finding it tough to keep the worry at bay and stay positive. I had hoped they'd find diverticular disease or signs of ibs. Colon was all healthy until they got to my rectum; there was a large thing, I guess it was a polyp but there was no stalk etc it just looked like a big lumpy section on a part of the rectal wall. The endoscopologist took two biopsies of it and I think another of the opposite wall.  

Everything I read says they'll remove a polyp if they find one. I could see that this was covering  a large area of the rectal wall; like it was a third of the circumference of the wall and came in quite a bit. I don't know what I want I guess I want reassurance that is still most likely a benign polyp albeit a tricky one to remove. Does this make sense to anyone, has anyone experienced something similar? 

I try to read academic journals and guage from the statics what this might mean for me; I know that being 35 means the odds are still highly in my favour...and yet I've been told all along its highly unlikely they'll find anything like a polyp due to my age. 

I am just so scared. I'm sorry for posting nonsense. I just wish I could find something to reassure me that everything is going to be okay.

  • Hello Nameymcnameson

    I'm sorry to hear that your colonoscopy yesterday has left you feeling more anxious. 

    I can see that you posted in our Ask the Nurses topic area and that Nurse Caroline has already replied to you. 

    Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for your results and the team will be able to give you some reassurance. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 


  • I'm just going to follow up with my situation here, incase it is of use to anyone later. It felt like a lifetime waiting on the biopsy results and the next move's really interesting with hindsight to see that I posted this only 15 days ago!

    My biopsy results have yet to come back yet. I was booked in for an MRI tomorrow, but was contacted today to let me know they'd made a mistake; the rectal consultant is not available tomorrow and so my MRI is on Thursday instead.  

    Of course now my brain is freaking out wondering why there needs to be a consultant present for an MRI scan. But, if the polyp is benign it will still need to be removed...the bottom line is that it does you no good to worry over things you can't control. 

    I hope this can be a wee insight and useful to others who are going through the same thing. I know how difficult it is to be stuck in this waiting scenario. I hope you all have support and find something to draw strength and courage from, and that you get through this period and find answers to your situation soon x

  • Hi there, hope all is well. Do you have any updates please?

  • Hi there, nothing to update as yet; I'm still trying to chase up the biopsy report from the 5th Dec.. consultant's secretary is back in office tomorrow so I will be giving them a wee ring if I don't get any info from my Dr's in morning. Nothing back from MRI either, well, nothing has reached me yet at any rate. I know that things are extremely difficult for the health service right now, and GPs are massively over stretched; but my goodness, this waiting to know what is what is really difficult to bear. 

  • Hi, any news yet? Fingers crossed for you.

  • When l had my colonoscopy l had a call with the results two weeks later referring me to gynaecology oncology clinic. I hope you have your results soon l would ring them again Take care


  • Hi there, I finally managed to get into see my GP; she didn't have the biopsy report but there was a colonoscopy report on my records which indicated to her that it is very much most likely to be distal ulcerative colitis! 

    I was so relieved to have that really do begin to imagine the worst when you're left to Google and ruminate over things yourself. One thing that made me not even consider ulcerative colitis was that it is associated with (bloody) diarrhoea; I have the opposite problem in that I am still needing to take cosmocol in order to pretty much give myself diarrhoea in order to go. It seems that that's the case due to the amount of inflammation in my rectum, and that (thankfully) at this stage it hasn't spread into the colon. 

    Two things I've regretted: I was afraid of the outcome of the colonoscopy to the point where I didn't insist on a word with the endoscopologist after the procedure. He said that they would get me comfortable in a bay and that he would be in to see me...that didn't happen and when the nurse said I was free to go, I really should have asked to have a chat with him about what was found. I think at that stage I could have massively alivated my fears right there. 

    Second: the receptionists in my GP are not cordial at the best of times, but in this instance in particular I was lead on a goose chase that was entirely unnecessary and unacceptable by two members of the team, giving me false information, and it was only when I managed to get the one decent lady that she informed me that I really needed to make a triage phone appointment with my gp had me in for a redo on all my bloods and a physical appointment with her on the same day.

    Do not let receptionists fob you off or make you feel like you are being a nuisance. I phoned for an update on biopsies taken under the red flag referral pathway and was scolded for calling for test results outside of the surgery's designated time. She wouldn't check or anything for me. In the end the decent lady told me that they at reception wouldn't have access to that report and an appointment was needed. I had a horrific Christmas due to some idiot and her high horse....stand up for yourself and do not worry that you may be causing a fuss. Whether you have cancer, or another issue which is causing pain, you have every right to access your gp. 

    I have an appointment with my consultant this Friday. Best of luck to yourself and everyone who is still on this journey x