Swollen lymph nodes after Pfizer vaccine

Hi everyone, 

first time posting here but needing some reassurance or advice.

I got my first Pfizer vaccine in June and I found a lump under my armpit a week afterwards. I didn't worry too much as I expected this from online research. 

A few weeks later, i found a small pea sized lump above my collar bone (more on my shoulder next to my neck). Again, I  just thought this was a side effect.

I then got my second vaccine in September and a week later, I found a larger lump on the side of my neck, which could be visibly seen when I tilted my head. At this point, I still had all of my other lumps, all painless.

I went to 2 different doctors who told me the armpit lump was a nerve, which I didn't really understand. And I have also been referred for an ultrasound for my neck lumps, which I should be at this month.

Sorry for such a long post, but has anyone experienced these side effects from the Pfizer vaccine?

  • Hi not sure if my experience is completely relevant but my left armpit has been sore since around the time I had my flu vaccine which was about 7 weeks ago and its still bothering me. Went to the doctors after a month and they said it felt tender, could tell the lymph node was iritated but not swollen, also examined my breast and found a pea sized lump on my breast so now referred to breast clinic for a mammogram and armpit ultrasound. Any vaccines can irritate the lymph nodes though. I hope all your ultrasounds are clear try not to stress to much until you know, which I know is impossible, but treat yourself kindly 

  • Hey, how did your ultrasound go?

    I haven't had the vaccine but I currently have glandular fever and I have a bunch of swollen lymph nodes all around my head and neck, it's not fun.

    I hope they gave you the all clear.

  • Hi ya, I am also going through the same thing. I've noticed a swelling under my armpit with swollen lymphnodes. I did however notice this before my booster jab but had my flu jab a few weeks before. 

    Anyway I had visited the hospital with chest tightness and a CT showed and incidental finding of a 3cm shadow in my right breast that needs further characterizion??? When they told my I first assumed it was my left breaat because of the swelling under my left armpit but its mt right breast. I can not feel anything but the doctor said if it is deep inside then you can't always feel a lump. 


    I am on the 2 week pathway to be seen at thr breast clinic this Thursday so hopefully will have some answers. 

    Hope all goes well and you get some answers x


  • hi.  I was just wondering what the outcome of this was for you?  I experienced the exact same thing but just from the pfizer booster jab (my other 2 jabs were both  the Oxford / Astrazenica ones).  lump in my armpit and a pea sized lump by my collarbone and one in the neck.  

    I'm talking to my Dr this afternoon but when I read your post I wanted to check on what happened after you had your scans.  

    thank you. 

  • Just read through the above reports.  I had a large lump on my neck about 10 weeks after Pfizer vaccine.  My GP freaked out and I was rushed through the two week turnaround - it took a while for 3 scans including blood test,  full body CT and 2 separate consultant appointment. (Haematology and Head and Neck) for eventually it to be declared unimportant.  I am convinced it was my immune response,  Grateful for that as it keeps me alive.

    I do hope the reports above all had good outcomes.