When to chase up referral to breast clinic

Hi, I am looking for any guidance as to if/when to chase up an urgent referral from my GP to the breast clinic.

A bit of background, I found a lump on Sunday 14th November. I have been regularly checking since starting HRT on 16th September this year. I saw my GP on Tuesday 16th November and he was concerned and said that this 2cm lump has not appeared overnight so wanted to refer urgently. He said I should hear within two weeks but it may be longer and if I've not heard from them after 6 weeks to get in touch with the surgery for them to chase up.

That was all fine, the 2 weeks is up next Tuesday and I haven't heard anything but my concern is that the lump seems to be growing fast, it is now approximately 2.5 cm, less than 2 weeks later.

I don't want to be a pest but I also don't want to be having to wait 6 weeks if the lump is carrying on growing at this rate. All I can see on line is urgent referrals are contacted within 2 weeks. I am in North Wales if this makes any difference with anyone knowing the local situation. 

Any advice from other people's experience would be greatly appreciated at this uncertain time. Thank you in advance 

  • Hi, 

    I didn't want to 'read and run'.

    I too am waiting for an urgent referral to the breast clinic. I called them this morning to chase it up as my GP said I should hear within two days and be seen within two weeks. They said that they are 'currently at capacity' due to a backlog and working on a plan.

    I understand how this can make a stressful time even worse :(


  • Don't be surprised if it takes around 3 weeks.  Unless you go private, you will not be seen in under 2 weeks. Or you'll be one of the rare exceptions. They are dealing with a huge amount of people because, as the other person stated, there's a backlog due to covid etc.

    Normally it is 2 weeks, but my wife's and others she has spoken to all said they had to wait over the 2 weeks. She received her letter during the 2nd week. You're still under the 2 weeks. Saying that, it really depends on where you live. Your area might be fine and no backlog, but most clinics are running at capacity.

  • Thank you for your reply. I hope you get your appointment soon and get a positive outcome. I think I will wait a couple of days after the 2 weeks and then look to chase my appointment. I don't think I will be able to keep waiting for 6 weeks with the lump growing all the time

  • Thank you for your reply. I wasn't expecting to be seen within 2 weeks but to be contacted, which it seems your wife was. I hope she has a positive outcome from her appointment. 

    I think I will leave it until a couple of days after the 2 weeks and then chase them, I am not sure i will be able to cope waiting for 6 weeks with the lump growing so quickly