Prominent Lymph Node PET scan

After having a CT scan which was deemed as "ambiguous", my GP decided to fast track me, to be on the safe side. I have now been referred for a PET scan and breathing test. Has anyone ever had this and it be no cause for concern? All my other scans are clear, even my bloods. The only issue is the larger than normal lymph node. I am hoping someone can put my mind at rest.


  • Hi Worrywart, 

    I noticed you haven't had a reply just yet so I wanted to let you know your post has been seen and wish you all the best with your upcoming PET scan and breathing test.

    I know this must be worrying but you're not alone as many of our members have had tests for suspicious lymph nodes and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and reassurances to you whilst you wait.

    It's great that the tests you've had so far have come back clear and fingers crossed this continues when your next set of results come through. 

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator