Swollen armpit and lump just above collarbone - right side

Ok I've googled myself silly now so just looking for experience and reassurance. 

I went to the dr today to get an inch long lump check out. It's sitting just on top of my collarbone on my right side. I'm not unwell, although my throat and been on and off swollen for about 10 days. 

Dr did a full exam on my right breast and underarm and my right. She found my armpit to be swollen. 

She's booked me in for blood tests for Thursday and an ultrasound test as she couldn't tell what it was so want to check. Absolutely right, if she can't say for sure I'm glad she's getting me checked. 

But Ive come home and googled, more to convince myself that it's nothing but I saw another symptoms and I'm not going to lie I'm a little freaked. Night sweats - I've been having them for months. 

Anyone else had same symptoms and it's literally just been an infection or something?? I would really like to hear that. 

Many thanks for reading and for any replies x x 

  • Hello esb and welcome to our forum, 

    I like your expression "I've googled myself silly" - this is something most of us are guilty of and we all know as well that Dr Google is very good at causing stress and anxiety and rarely provides any reassurance. So I would say try and keep away from Google if you can and keep busy and distracted by other things while you are waiting to find out more. 

    You've done the right thing in going to the doctor's about this and it's good that they are being thorough and have booked you for blood tests and an ultrasound  just so you can be checked properly. If you've been having these night sweats for months and haven't mentioned this to your doctor, it is definitely worth giving your doctor a call and mentioning this so that they get a full picture of what is going on.

    I hope that you will hear from other forum members who have experienced similar symptoms and that they will come and share their experience with you. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator