Around 3 weeks ago I started with some tenderness in left armpit and boob. More uncomfortable than painful. I couldn't feel a lump but the area near my armpit side of boob looked/felt very slightly swollen compared to other side. Since Wednesday I've had a lot of tension, shoulder pain especially in the shoulder blade region. Went to doctors Friday and she couldn't feel a lump but said she thought she could maybe feel some swelling/thickening at side of boob near armpit and agreed it looked slightly more swollen than other side. I forgot to mention the shoulder pain to her as was all worked up. Anyway she has referred me under 2 week pathway to breast clinic. Anyway I have been super anxious, teary, cannot concentrate since then. Currently working from home (not much work getting done as can't concentrate but need a distraction). But I am more and more aware of the shoulder pain which now is effecting my sleep. Anyway not sure what the aim of the post is other than from reassurance that the shoulder pain isn't anything sinister as I now cannot stop googling my symptoms (no matter how much I try not to) and a handhold whilst I wait for my breast clinic appointment which I am terrified about. Also the armpit/boob pain now seems reduced but not sure if this is now because the shoulder pain is always on my mind. Anyway I'll stop waffling.