Positive fit test


for about 10 years doctors diagnosed me with ibs which I just lived with the constant changes with my bowel movement and stomach cramps. In April I woke up with lower back pain- I didn't think much about it as I thought I slept funny. The lower back pain continued to get worse and I went to the doctor in late July. The doctor just thought it was pulled muscle. August I couldn't bare the constant pain every night when I lay down. My doctor requested I do stool test to show inflammation in the bowel- this came back at 300. Fit test also done recently came back positive. I've had bright red blood in the toilet, on tissue. Now I am being referred on a 2 week wait path way for a colonoscopy. My bowel movement have been awful. I'm so worried. Could this back pain be related to something going on with my bowel? Does anyone have symptoms similar to mine? 
I'm 37 for reference.


thank you 

  • Call went well, we discussed what's going to happen with the colonoscopy. I'm booked in now for next Wednesday scared but happy to be seen so fast. Sorry to hear you're not feeling good x

  • Hi, I came across your message and noticed I have similar symptoms to you. I sometimes have flat stools which are also very inconsistent. I had a FIT and calprotecin test both come back positive, I had a blood test during the week and my results came back ok apart from my red blood cells only being very slightly elevated, which I put down to dehydration since it was an early one and I didn't have much drink the night before. My Vitamin D levels were also very low but I've had low levels for a long time so that's not a massive concern. I'm now waiting to hear from someone, my gp put me on a 2 week referral on Monday so I should hopefully hear from someone in the coming week. I hope all of your results came back ok.

  • Hi @Maddie84 how did your colonoscopy go? I hope it went well and didn't show up anything too serious.

    I know there's a few others on this thread, too, that were in the 2ww pathway; how is everyone coping?

    The waiting is awful, but thank goodness that we're on the way to being checked out and getting things sorted. 

    Drop a wee message here anytime; I buried my head in the sand there for a few days but I'm back now and ready to come out swinging at this frigging thing!

  • Hi, I've had my colonoscopy and I'm pleased that there is no cancer. I have crohns and diviculitis. What a relief I feel even though crohns is no walk in the park I feel I can live with this. The best advice I can say is talk about how you are feeling as this was the hardest time of my life. Talking on here helped me remain positive . I know it's easier said then done but try not to overthink..

    I wish you well and good luck with everything. X

  • It's great to hear that it's nothing more sinister, although I'm sorry to hear that you have diviculitis and chrons. At least you can now put your mind at ease and enjoy the Christmas season. Take care:).

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