Positive fit test


for about 10 years doctors diagnosed me with ibs which I just lived with the constant changes with my bowel movement and stomach cramps. In April I woke up with lower back pain- I didn't think much about it as I thought I slept funny. The lower back pain continued to get worse and I went to the doctor in late July. The doctor just thought it was pulled muscle. August I couldn't bare the constant pain every night when I lay down. My doctor requested I do stool test to show inflammation in the bowel- this came back at 300. Fit test also done recently came back positive. I've had bright red blood in the toilet, on tissue. Now I am being referred on a 2 week wait path way for a colonoscopy. My bowel movement have been awful. I'm so worried. Could this back pain be related to something going on with my bowel? Does anyone have symptoms similar to mine? 
I'm 37 for reference.


thank you 

  • Hi I have had lower abdominal pain for the last 4 months, it has been daily but varies in length and severity. At times it gets so painful I feel like it is similar to labour contractions, although more recently it isn't cramping so much but the constant pain. I have also been getting nauseous on and off but not everyday. My blood tests have been clear, I have seen a gynaecologist my ultrasound of my uterus and ovaries was clear she also told me that my pelvic floor muscles are too tight, which could be the reason I am in pain. She said that I should of always had that pain, I have not.  I am not sure if it would cause pain so severe, it also does not improve with rest and does not get worse when exercising. The pain has come on out of no where and when I do pelvic floor exercises the pain I feel is higher up, but still below my belly button.  I have had a positive FIT test and have been referred for the 2 week bowel cancer pathway due to the FIT test result, I wasn't told the number. I feel tired all the time and I have been having night sweats for the last 10 months. I have a phone call next week with the consultant and I was told that is when he will decide on what tests he's going to do, the wait is awful! I'm 32years old and have 3 young children. 

  • Hi there

    i also had a positive FIt test last week. I initially had bright red blood just on tissue which made me contact my Dr. I've had constipation and now diarreah. Cramping, stabbing pains and tired but I'm sure the tiredness is more to do with not eating as much. My Dr put me on the 2 week pathway and I have a telephone consultation on the 29th. I just know something is wrong. I'm 51, healthy and normal weight. I just don't feel right. Have got myself worked up quite a few times. I just want to know what I'm dealing with. I hope we all get answers soon xx

  • Hi Maddie, I hope that you're not left worrying too long and that you get booked in for your appointment soon.

    I'll just add my symptoms here; I know reading about other people's experiences feels somehow reassuring to me. I'm similar in that I've been experiencing a lower abdominal pain, in my left side. It is a constant dull ache which switches at times to a more pronounced pain. It's odd to describe but it's something similar to that feeling of internal pressure when your baby is giving you a knee or an elbow in an awkward place. I have noticed that the pain increases right after eating any meal bigger than a cup of tea and a sandwich. I've not been able to have dinner or stomach much more than a sandwich for the past month. Although worrying may play a part there. 

    Initially went to Dr with painless blood in toilet and bloody stools, digital check for hemorrhoids and she said she suspected some inflammation. Ultrasound for ovarian cyst came back clear. I've had a positive fit test (didn't ask about figures.. each bowel movement since has either had visible blood or quite thick mucus) which has lead to a referral for colonoscopy on the 5th.

    Change in bowel habit has been a thing; I've not experienced diarrhoea, but have went from regular daily to really struggling to go, sometimes 5days between a movement, initially bouts of needing to go 3 times a day after the first period of blood loss. (Which I actually confused/buried my head in the sand and told myself was a period). At the moment I'm needing to take cosmocol to pass anything, and last night was a ribbon like narrow movement which I had a cry about like an eejit!

    I'm generally feeling full and bloaty, no gas. I'm excessively tired all the frigging time and break out in a sweat randomly, both of which I've been putting down to early menopause. I'm 35, but my mum did start hers around 36 so. 

    Something is going on. I'm leaning towards diverticular disease and trying not to imagine the worst. I did have a panic last night when I passed the scary poops...Google is really not our friend!lol 

    I just wish everyone the best, it's awful lonely waiting in this situation, so hard not to worry yourself sick. 

  • Thanks for your message. My goodness we are very similar- I've been soaked with sweat at times and like you thought it's early menopause, my mother also went through this at 36. My stools have been thin and some like ribbon. The waiting to hear for anyone is what's driving me crazy. I hope you to get some answers soon.

    all the best xx

  • Hi thanks for your message. It's nice to be able to chat with people going through this situation. My telephone appointment is today 22/11 and I'm anxious if what's going to happen next. I wish you well x

  • Good luck with your appointment. Let us knowing you can how it went. Mine is next week. It's nice to come in here and discuss symptoms and worries. I hope we all get some answers soon. The waiting is so difficult but at least we are in the system x

  • Yes I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully get the tests moving Xx

  • Hope you are all well. Similar symptoms and waiting on tests. In my 30s. It's awful isn't it x

  • Hi, yes it's so scary at the moment. All this waiting is making me worry more. I spoke to a nurse on the fast track team on mon and have been booked for a colonoscopy in 2 weeks. Hope you're ok and not too stressed. 

  • Hi how did the phone call go? I have mine with the consultant on Thursday. My nausea is getting much worse, it doesn't always seem to be linked to food as I have woken up feeling sick but today as soon as I eat something I feel sick, the feeling then lasts a good few hours. 

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