Swollen lymph after vaccine

Hi all, 

I have recently been worrying like crazy after receiving the covid vaccine second dose of Pfizer on the 23rd October. It's now the 11th November and I am still noticing a swollen lymph node on the same armpit / arm as I would've been jabbed. I also recently, a week or so before the vaccine had hand foot and mouth from my baby, a tummy bug and the flu - could my body still be reacting? 
I have an ultrasound waiting for a date to be booked in with the hospital - but in the meantime I am really worried! 
I am 32 and suffer with Crohn's and Asthma, and have a 5 month year old baby boy. My anxiety levels are through the roof. Since having my baby I've become more of a worrier in every aspect!! 
The lymph's feel moveable and bean like but a little tender around the area  - anyone else experienced anything similar after the vaccine?

Thanks for your support 


  • Hi

    I can't say much regarding the Covid vaccine as I have only had the one but I had the flu jab just under 3 weeks ago and I noticed a lump in the lower part of my neck, same side as the vaccine a few days later. I then woke up a couple of days ago with a sore armpit and have noticed a small lump under the skin there too but this one is a little sore not like the one on my neck. 

    I'm sorry I can't offer any advise or words of wisdom but just wanted you to know that you're not alone and fingers crossed it's just our bodies way of coping with the jabs. I have to wait until Wednesday to speak with my doctor. 

    Please let me know how you get on xx

  • Oh and I totally get that you're a worrier since having your little one, me too! My son is 18 months now and I'm so scared of anything happening to me and him being without a mummy x

  • It's a well documented side effect. The pharmacist that game my wife a flu one said she would give it on the opposite side to her bc. So if nodes did spring up, it would allow her doctors to easily differentiate should any bc issue pop up. Even that isn't a guarantee, as the vaccination can still enlarge nodes on both sides as it's a sign of a working immune system.

    Tender nodes is also a good sign. Cancer tends to be painless unless it's pressing against nerves. Not a hard and fast rule, but it's how things tend to pan out.

  • Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope everything is ok with yours too. Glad you have an appointment booked in with the doctor. 
    It's so reassuring to know people are going through the same thing, this forum is amazing especially as sometimes you feel so alone and Dr Google is just your worst enemy and the only person you can really go to when you're feeling like this! It's very hard for other people to understand.

    Awww I know it's so tough being a mummy isn't it. We just want the best for them and feel so much pressure and worry if things aren't going the right way! Lots of love to you! Hannah x

  • Thank you, it's great having such an amazing support network on here. It's so easy to worry yourself into the ground. I'm sorry to hear your wife has BC, I hope everything is ok with her. That's so interesting about the vaccine, I had no idea really until I thought about it. I'm due my flu vaccination soon too! 
    thank you, I have been reading that too. My lymph nodes seem to move despite being swollen but there's is pain around the whole area of my armpit / breast so fingers crossed the ultrasound gives me a peace of mind - just waiting for a date! Thanks for your support 
    Lots of loveHannah