ive had irregular bleeding spotting after my period. It's not always constant but can go on for weeks between my periods. When there is no spotting I have a cramping feeling. This has been going on for 2 months.
my periods have been slightly heavier than normal with small blood clots for the past 3 months .
I went for a smear test recently and I was told that it shows positive HPV but no abnormal cells.
the doctor advised me to have another smear test in 3 months and wouldn't refer me for a colposcopy.
She did not want to investigate the bleeding either and advised me that it could be hormonal.
ive been ever so worried and worry about this every day. I have never ever had irregular periods or bleeding in the past. I had explained to the doctor that I know my body and something doesn't feel right. The doctor dismissed me and said that I would need to wait 3 months for another smear.
I am now thinking of paying privately for a colposcopy.
has anyone experienced something similar to me and if so what happened ?