Armpit pain and tenderness

Hi All


im wondering if anyone has been through similar and may be able to put my mind at rest.

Theres a bit of a back story which I'll explain. I attended the GP about 5 weeks ago due to pain in my breast which had been going on a few weeks. The pain was intermittent and also felt sometimes in my armpit. The GP found a lump in my breast which transpired to be a cyst when I attended the breast clinic and was drained there and then. I hoped that would be the end of my worries but seemingly not, from that point I developed a few problems that all seemed to happen one after the other, firstly my neck felt really swollen and hurt when I swallowed, then my armpits continued hurting but intermittently, then my groin started hurting. I had some blood tests and got the results last week that all normal, and the GP examined my underarms and said they were fine, they didn't hurt much at that time, but fast forward a week and it's back and really quite painful when I press into my armpit. I've also now this evening noticed what appears like a bump / pimple on my armpit skin, hurts when touched and flesh coloured, about the size of a normal spot. My other symptoms seem to have calmed down, but I just really want to know if anyone has experienced this armpit pain and bump before and it's been something normal, alongside any of the above history? I guess my worry is that the bump and pain are related to cancer.


Any insight that might help to calm my ever worsening mind would be so gratefully received. I obviously know only a doctor can diagnose me but have contacted them about all this so many times and am struggling to know what's normal anymore so just hoping for others experiences to help my mind.


Emma xx

  • Hi Emma,

    I can understand that any unexplained symptoms can be concerning. You're right in that only a doctor is able to say one way or the other whether something is an issue or not. You mention that your other symptoms have subsided, which is good to hear. Perhaps you could try to avoid touching the armpit area and giving it a little while to see if it improves. In the meantime, try to keep your mind off it and keep focused on other things. If you continue to experience issues, the only thing to really do is to see your GP again to get their thoughts.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator