Breast Clinic - Can I go private?

Hi everyone, 

I am completely new to all of this, so thank you for your patience. 

I am 31 years old and found a lump on my right breast two days before my birthday (only 5 days ago). I have been to see my GP who has referred me to the local Hospital Breast Clinic. 

I phoned the Appointment Centre within the Hospital today to ask for a timescale as to how long the waiting list is, and I was completely gobsmacked to be told that there is a 12 week waiting list!! I explained that I had found a lump on my breast and asked if a 12 week wait was correct, to which I was told that it is a standard 12 week wait to be seen. 

I cant believe it, and my anxiety is now through the roof. I certainly dont want to wait 3 months for my lump to be checked. Does anyone know how I can be seen privately, or how I would go about this? I wouldnt be eligible for a mammogram because of my age...

Thank you everyone! 

  • Hi Louise

    i recently attended the breast clinic after going to the GP with pain who found a small lump (mobile, pea sized, round and transpired to be a cyst), where I am there's a 2 week wait but I couldn't even cope waiting that long so rang to check for cancellations and managed to get one a week after my referral so worth trying that. Alternatively, I did Google 'private breast screening' for my area and a few local private hospitals did do the same, around £250 for the consultation but maybe more if mammograms or biopsies needed.

    So many people going through the same and so many come back on to say all benign and hugely relieved, so fingers crossed yours is the same and the worry will be resolved for you soon x

  • I went last Thursday and got an appointment it's a 2 week wait where whe are I am in Essex. 

  • Hi, sending love as I know it's worrying. I would feel exactly the same if being told 12 weeks. I'm in the North West and have been told two weeks for urgent referral so I'm currently waiting for mine. You can pay to go privately and age isn't considered. I know near me they had appointments within five days but it would work out at around £500 for consultation and initial scan from what I could see. I've decided to be as patient as can be and do that as a last resort. I had to consider that if it was bad news instead of good I probably couldn't afford to go the whole hog privately. 

    I think the only advice I can give is you need to think about what is best for you and your circumstances. If you can afford private and it will give you the information you need to help you day to day then there is no reason to not  go down this route. 


  • Thank you everyone. 

    It's just the thought of waiting 3 months, it's driving me crazy!

    I'm going to phone my GP tomorrow and see if there is anything that they can do to possibly speed things up. I feel so deflated today by hearing of the waiting time, but I guess it's something outwith my control. 

    I just have to be hopeful that it's nothing too sinister that could get worse during that time!

    Wishing you all so much love and best wishes ️

  • Hi 

    Try not to worry -easier said than done.

    You will need a referral letter from your G.P to be seen at a private clinic.

    My sister requested a mammagram after my breast cancer diagnosis and was refused -she's 54 and has gone private.I would ring a private provider and ask what email the G.P should send a refferal to.

    Hopefully you wil be all clear and won't need any traeatment , but when I asked my breast nurse would traetment be quicker if I went private  she said it would probably hold things up as they don't have to follow the pathway timescales and all paperwork has to be transfered over.


    Hope that helps
