Hi everyone..I hope your all well? I'm just looking for someone who may have experienced the same thing and has an outcome.
June: I spotted a lump behind my daughters ear. It appeared from nowhere no infections or illnesses, it's a hard non-movable lump. Seen the doctor the next day after sending pictures etc in and he said it was a lymph node and will go down in a couple of weeks and sent us on our way.
September: (waited till now because she seemed to catch a sting of colds then me and her sister tested positive for covid and we ended up having to spend 20 days in the house). I rang the doctors to get her checked again as the lump was still there. The original doctor wasn't it so our case was passed to a new one (luckily) she referred us for a blood test at the hospital.
October: Got the results for the blood test and her infection marker, white blood cell count and platelets were slightly up but again she had a cold when tested. She sent over a request to peads for more information.
We got the information from peads on Wednesday, they stated because its a soft movable lump they can swell and be there for years etc (I was unaware it was ever put in her notes about it being soft when from the beginning I have told them it's hard and doesn't move). I asked if I could pop her in just for her to check as she's never actually seen it.
Yesterday we went in and she agreed its hard and non-moveable and seemed concerned that it appeared out of nowhere. We have now been referred for a scan.
If anyone could give me some positive information that would be great. I can't look at what Google is saying any more. I seem to be sitting there at 1am seeing nothing but cancer.
Thank you from a worried mum