2 year old has hard lump behind ear

Hi everyone..I hope your all well? I'm just looking for someone who may have experienced the same thing and has an outcome. 

June: I spotted a lump behind my daughters ear. It appeared from nowhere no infections or illnesses, it's a hard non-movable lump. Seen the doctor the next day after sending pictures etc in and he said it was a lymph node and will go down in a couple of weeks and sent us on our way. 

September: (waited till now because she seemed to catch a sting of colds then me and her sister tested positive for covid and we ended up having to spend 20 days in the house). I rang the doctors to get her checked again as the lump was still there. The original doctor wasn't it so our case was passed to a new one (luckily) she referred us for a blood test at the hospital. 

October: Got the results for the blood test and her infection marker, white blood cell count and platelets were slightly up but again she had a cold when tested. She sent over a request to peads for more information. 

We got the information from peads on Wednesday, they stated because its a soft movable lump they can swell and be there for years etc (I was unaware it was ever put in her notes about it being soft when from the beginning I have told them it's hard and doesn't move). I asked if I could pop her in just for her to check as she's never actually seen it. 

Yesterday we went in and she agreed its hard and non-moveable and seemed concerned that it appeared out of nowhere. We have now been referred for a scan. 

If anyone could give me some positive information that would be great. I can't look at what Google is saying any more. I seem to be sitting there at 1am seeing nothing but cancer. 

Thank you from a worried mum 


    Hi Emmawi,

    I am so sorry to hear of all that you have been through with your daughter. I am afraid that I cannot give you any reassurance, as I am not a doctor, but a breast cancer victim. I just couldn't pass by your post without saying that we always advise people to steer clear of consulting 'Dr Google' until you know exactly what you are dealing with. 

    Much of the information, is poorly researched, out of date and aimed at the more spectacular cases. This only serves to scare us all even further. Lymph nodes can swell up due to a mild infection and, it sounds as if your daughter has had a number of colds in this time, so this may be the cause. Some nodes will settle spontaneously, whilst others can remain for life. 

    Scary though it is, I am glad to hear that she has now been referred for a scan to rule out anything sinister. Do you have a date for the scan yet? I do sincerely hope that nothing untoward is found and that there is a simpler solution.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how your daughter gets on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Sorry I don't know why I never recieved a notification for your reply. I'm sorry to hear that you have breast cancer, I really hope your OK! 

    We are still waiting for a scan date. The lump appeared a month before any sort of illness. Its so large and hard which is what it worrying me. I wish I just had answers 


    Hi Emma,

    This happens sometimes, so don't worry about it.

    I am sorry to hear that you still haven't got an appointment for a scan. This seems a long time to wait when the lump has been there for so long. It might be worth phoning the radiography department of the hospital that you've been referred to and asking whereabouts you are on the waiting list. If you cannot do this, or are unhappy with the length of the wait, then contact the GP you last saw and ask if she can't speed things up.

    I do hope that your daughter gets seen soon. Please let us know how she gets on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx