I have suffered with itchy armpits for around 3 years now - no rash, nothing visibly wrong wtih them (apart from when I used to scracth them so much that it left red marks). I've been to the doctors multiple times for this, including being referred to a derm, with no real diagnosis. The general guess was that I was allergic to something on my skin. I've stopped shaving in the past, stopped using deodorant (not fun) and tried 'gentle' deodorants etc... No luck. It comes and goes in waves, sometimes it's barely there at all, and other times it's unbearable.
Anyway, I felt I should post on here because I now have a bruise-like pain (again, nothing visible) on my right armpit, made worse when pressure is applied. I've had it for a couple of days but I've never had anything like this at all. I'm going to leave it a few days to see if it subsides before booking a GP appointment, but I was wondering if anyone else has had either of these symptoms before?