FIT test results - please help

Hi there 

I am 44 and have just had a FIT test result back, apparently the level is 8, only when it's past 10 it is deemed urgent. The normal is apparently 0-5. My blood tests were fine. I suffer with IBS and have done for years. I also have early stages of divirticulitis too, this was diagnosed 8 years ago. I am so worried I have cancer. I am waiting for a referral to the hospital, I am unsure what their referral is for. Has anyone  else had a FIT test that came back postive? What was your results like and any outcome from a colonoscopy? 

thank you in advance


  • Aww thats good news ...sorry you are still having to deal with problems ...I'm having a colonoscopy next week due to positive fit test reading 24 ...I'm abit nervous for having the procedure was wondering if you could tell me how it is please hun xxx

  • It's absolutely fine. Mine was anyway. Felt like it was all over and done with very quickly. You are awake but very sedated, quite an odd feeling really. The recovery for me was a little longer than I'd hoped. Pains inside for about a week but nothing ibuprofen or codydramol couldn't handle. I certainly won't be stressing over my next one or being so anxious, it was far less of an ordeal than I thought it would be. You'll be fine xx 

  • I've just had a fits test come back of 16 urine bloods came

    back abnormal nowt has really been explained to me im

    having endoscopy in the back and front 

  • Hi sorry to hear your results. I had a positive FIT test this time last year. I'd taken it through a private company who carried out the results. Mine were 14. I took the results to gp and very soon things swung into action bloods normal then colonoscopy. Three large polyps were removed one particular large one which Dr Google convinced me was cancerous. Results came back low grade dysplasia. On speaking to my consultant he said 3 yearly colonoscopies from now on. During the waiting for results my mental health hit rock bottom aided by Dr Google. Please try not to worry - not easy I know. Your getting sorted now and take a positive from the fact your last colonoscopy only 8 yrs ago was ok. Sending lots of love stay strong.




















  • Hello Everyone

    I hope you guys are ok in your life. I am worried because I had blood in my poo and Doctor has given FIT test. I will do it on next Monday. I am so much worried. What will my result come. I am just 33. Can you guys give me more advice how to react when I have my bad result of FIT? 
