Gastroscopy biopsy worry

Hi all. So I've been having issues with constant upper abdomenal pain for the past 6 months. The pain radiates to my back and across my upper abdomen sometimes when it's particularly bad. I have a history of gallbladder issues and got my gallbladder removed in Jan 2020. I also had a stuck gallstone last July (2020) that I had an ERCP to remove. 

In regards to the current issues, I had an ultrasound in August that was normal. I then had a gastroscope nearly two weeks ago. After the gastroscope I was told that it looks like I'm experiencing pangastritis (my entire stomach lining is inflamed) and they also took several biopsies. I tested negative for a bacterial infection. This stomach inflammation is despite me taking esomprazole for 3 months since I first felt the pain and then lansoprazole for the last three months. Neither of these have helped at all. 

I'm quite worried about the biopsies. They didn't tell me what they were looking for. Could it be cancer? I'm 26 years old. I'm anxious to hear if anyone has had a similar experience. 


  • Hello worried18 and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to read about all the issues you've been having and for the worry your most recent biopsies are causing. Hopefully some of our members who have been in a similar situation will share their thoughts and experiences with you soon but if you feel it may help to talk things through with one of our nurses then do be sure to give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they'll do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.

    Waiting for results is always tough but there are some really useful tips and advice in this article that may help.

    Fingers crossed the biopsy results show nothing sinister is at hand.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I got word at the start of last month that further tests on the biopsies they took during my gastroscopy showed that I tested positive for H-pylori bacteria. I was given a two week course of antibiotics for that. I finished the antibiotics on Nov 22nd. I spoke to my GP today as I am still having a lot of pain and issues. I haven't felt any help at all from the antibiotics to be honest. I've also noticed my bowel movements have changed over the past while. Instead of going once every day or second day, I find I am going twice or even three times per day. I can't eat much due to the indigestion I'm getting. I have trouble sleeping with the pain. 


    My GP changed my prescription from taking Lanzopraloze twice a day to taking Pantoprazole twice a day. She also referred me for an abdominal CT scan. I'm also soon getting a breath test to see if the H pylori has gone. I'm worried sick to be honest. I just want the pain to go away.