Lump on neck- awaiting doctors appointment


I developed a hard lump on the side of my neck (lower right side) roughly 2 weeks ago which was tender and enlarged quickly over a few days. Its hard and moves slightly (side to side) and is visible. I didnt think anything of it as I had a sore throat and I already have Lupus (autoimmune disease) which often causes enlarged lymph nodes. 

However, sore throat didn't come to anything and I feel fine Lupus wise so I'm super anxious as to why the lump is persisting! Tried to book an appointment with my GP but its all online and they will get back to me within 3 days.

I'm freaking out! Just looking for some similar experiences?

To note, I had a lymph node biopsy 3 years ago which led to the Lupus diagnosis so think I am prone to then! But the thought of going through that again terrifies me!

Chloe x

  • Just updating hoping someone will reply.

    Went to the GP today who said the lymph node does feel different to what they are like with infections, but thinks it may be lupus related. I'm being referred to ENT , however GP didn't want to do urgent. She is enquiring after the waiting time for non urgent however if its months she said she will do urgent just to get me seen. Surely if she was super worried she wouldn't even be considering it?

    Absolutely terrified now! Anyone else been in the same boat?

  • Hi Chloefaye and welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry for the worries this lump has been causing but I'm glad you've been able to speak with your GP and they don't feel it's anything sinister.

    An urgent referral means you are meant to be seen more quickly (within 2 weeks if you're based in England) and due to waiting times being affected by the pandemic it seems your GP is doing all they can so you don't have to wait too long for your appointment. I know it must be quite scary to hear those words but 9 out of 10 people who are referred this way are not diagnosed with cancer so try to keep that in mind when you feel yourself getting a bit scared about your referral.

    I know it's difficult, especially when our minds start to overthink and analyse things that have been said and decisions that have been made, but try to see this as a positive if you can as it means you will be seen and get some answers sooner rather than later.

    Our members know how challenging this time can be so hopefully you'll receive some support and advice from them soon.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Steph,

    Thanks so much for replying to me! I feel alot calmer now as I feel like the lump may be getting smaller/softer (could be wishful thinking!) but maybe my panic and prodding was making it worse!

    However, my GP did decide to urgently refer me to ENT. Weirdly the hospital called this morning and arranged a telephone consultation with a specialist tomorrow. Has anyone had one of these? I thought it would be face to face for something that needs to be felt! 

    Thanks again,


  • Hey All,

    Just thought I'd keep updating in case anyone comes across this in the future! 

    Had a call with ENT today and described the lump and ran through if I had any other symptoms etc. The doctor said it sounds like a benign node that's come up due to an infection or something. He is going to call back in 2 weeks and then if its still there, no shrunk he will get me in for a scan!

    Still slightly nervous but have to trust the specialists and will try not to think about it for 2 weeks! 


  • Hi,

    Just come across your post, hope all was well!

    Similar position but mine was flagged as urgent. I had lupus from basically birth but in remission for around 15-20yrs . I went gp with fatigue, swollen lymph in neck, I just felt like it was when had lupus flares as came in waves and mentioned it but GP seemed convinced it wasnt lupus. Recently been referred through ENT for 2WW, had scans (mri/ultrasound no biopsy needed as was inflamed but apparently no cause for concern) & have a dreaded 4-5 weeks wait (3 weeks left) from date of scan to next consultation.  

    Lack of proper communication & explanations makes the whole process worse.