Large mole on neck

Hi, a few weeks back I noticed a large tear shaped mole on my neck with blured edges. Went back on some photos and it seems like it grew to that size about 2.5 years ago. I've been to the Gp and have a demotologist referral taking place on Wednesday. 

I have a 1 year old son and I'm terrified. Going back over the pictures I can't believe I didn't notice it. I'm so worried because I've only just noticed it it's spread everywhere. I keep googling stuff which isn't helpful.

I'm so scared. Because I've left it so long and it's so large I see little other option than dying.

  • Hi,

    It's only normal to panic when you realise a mole changed some time ago but please don't let your thoughts run away with themselves.

    Just growing in size doesn't automatically mean a mole is malignant. The dermatologist will check it out with a dermascope which shows any unusual cell activity and if it looks fine you will be discharged. If they are unsure, they will arrange for it to be removed for biopsy - most patients get clear results. If it's malignant, 95% of patients have no further problem after further surgery and a period of monitoring so try not think about worse case scenarios. 

    It's good that it's getting checked out on Wednesday and hopefully they can put your mind at rest. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Thanks Annie. If it had spread do you usually have other symptoms.?  I've not but now been checking and can feel a small pea sized lump in my neck behind my ear 

  • Swollen lymph nodes can occur for many reasons as well as cancer (including infection and even the Covid vaccination)! Small pea sized nodes are rarely a problem and constant prodding and poking can actually aggravate them so that they enlarge. Try not to poke around the area but let the dermatologist know and they will check it out for you. There is a good chance that it's not connected.

  • Thanks Angie, your an angel for the consistent support i see you provide on here.


    I will update throughout my journey as I do see people often don't update so on scary initial stories are left open. 

  • Hi,

    I managed to get a cancellation so I got an appointment today. They definitely want to remove it and its measuring 7mm by 10mm.  Checked my lymph nodes and said felt ok but she didn't seem to want to commit. Removal could take up to 6 weeks.

    I'm so scared that I've left it too long and it's spread 

  • Just reading your story from last year. How did you get on? 

  • Hi, I should have replied sooner. I've had a bit of a rollarcoaster. My Gp and the derm consultant I saw thought it was superficial spreading melanoma. I was then extremely worried as it had been there getting bigger for years. I had to wait several weeks to get it removed. When getting removed the derm operative said it didn't look good. In the same time I noticed a hard fixed lymph node behind my ear. Then another two popped up (shoulder and occipital). My results finally came back after about 5 weeks and to my astonishment it was an atypical junctional melanocytic naevus with heavy pigmentation. No sign of cancer cells. I was amazed and floored. Since then I've had my lymph nodes ultrasounded and they appear normal. I'm struggling mentally to get over this, thinking the worst and convincing myself they are wrong. But clinical I'm going to be ok! Moles are a funny one, only real way of knowing is to be tested, look alone, even expert eye, can't be sure.

  • Thank you for updating. Always good to hear how people got on. We are waiting for biopsy results on a odd mole on my daughter, so this gives me hope.  

    I'm really pleased in the end you got a great clinical outcome. Hopefully over time the worry will go away, if nothing else it's a lesson to us all, everyone should do checks. I certainly will now on me and the rest of the family.

    Enjoy your little one and relax as you are ok xx 
