Lymphoma night sweats and itching

Hi, I'm a 19 year old male and have a couple of questions hopefully someone can answer!! I have had a hard lump in my jaw for a few months now, and have had painless swelling in my neck glands for a month at least which isn't going down, along with a few other symptoms. I'm having a call to book an ultrasound this week but need answers asap. First of all can anyone explain  what the itching is like? I've had like sharp itching on my arms and legs which gets worse at night. it feels like bites but definitely not bedbugs and I dont have a rash at all. Also, in regards to night sweats, does anyone know how common they are with lymphoma? Also did anyone experience burning stomach pain or back/chest/RIb pain? Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this/ respond :) 

  • Hi Fob2435,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I'm sorry to hear that the swelling in your neck glands hasn't gone down yet. As it's been almost a month it may be worth booking an appointment with your GP to get this checked as they'll be able to let you know if this is any cause for concern and answer any other questions you have about the other sypmtoms you're contending with.

    Hopefully you'll hear back from some of our members soon but fingers crossed you can speak with someone about this and have your mind put at ease.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator