Post menopause uterus thickening

So, I am 51, not on HRT and my last period was at least a year ago. I had post menopause spotting for 5 days (two weeks ago). Had an internal pelvic exam which the doc seemed to think looked okay and had transvaginal ultrasound today. The sonographer told me that my uterus lining is 11mm thick so I am having a hysteroscopy and probable biopsy in two weeks time. I am so worried. Can this be anything other than cancer?  I am also needing to wee a lot but don't know if that is linked. Is anyone able to give me some positive stories or outcomes where they have had similar symptoms please? 

  • I'm sorry for the worry this is causing Crazynut.

    As you've discovered from your other discussion, there are many members within the community that have or are contending with similar symptoms at the moment, so hopefully some of them will be along soon to share their outcomes and experiences with you here as well, but whilst you wait I just wanted to wish you all the best with your hysteroscopy and potential biopsy in two weeks times.

    If you feel it may help to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses then do be sure to give them a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for your response and kind words Steph. I couldn't wait until the 21/9 to speak to a consultant gynae as I am googling flat out and just wanted to speak to an expert, so I saw a private consultant yesterday. Luckily, I am covered by insurance. He did put my mind at ease a little. He said the ultrasound results showed a thickening of 12mm and what appears to be a feeding vessel into a large polyp. He said that in 90% of cases, polyps are benign and even if they are cancerous or pre cancerous, the prognosis for endometrial cancer is pretty good. The scan also picked up a small ovarian cyst so I asked if that was a concern and he said 'not at the moment' and to ask for another scan in 3-4 months to check it again when it will probably not have changed. I have now booked my hysteroscopy with the private hospital for next Wed, so I don't have to wait as long. I am still worried as there is the thickening as well and 12mm is alot thicker than the margin. however maybe a lot of that is down to the polyp