Ovarian cyst- constipation

I have constipation which means I can't lose weight. My GP thinks it's IBS but I've read that ovarian cysts can cause constipation. I was prescribed these sachets that just bloat me out. I'm crying all the time over this, I feel like my mental health is going with this due to the lack of medical help. 

Has anyone else experienced constipation along with ovarian cysts? I'm just not coping at all now with this 


  • Hi

    18 months ago I developed what I believed was IBS; all the exact same symptoms.

    My GP didn't confirm it and said she didn't want to assume anything, she told me to give it 2 weeks with over the counter remedies and take it easy as stress was a contributing factor. 

    Well it went as quick as it came so I didn't do anything else. 

    Fast forward to 4 weeks ago and I was in A&E with pain like I've never experienced. I have multiple ovarian cysts, one of which is 14cm and had ruptured and is bleeding into itself hence the pain. Unfortunately cancer has been mentioned and I am now awaiting the results. 

    The pain and discomfort I had and still experiencing is exactly the same as the IBS I thought I had and of course now in hindsight I should have pursued investigations at the time but I was just relieved it had gone away at the time.

    It's likely nothing but from my own experience don't dismiss it as IBS.


  • I have a 10cm dermoid ovarian cyst. I had an ultrasound scan and pelvic transvaginal ultrasound scan as well as a MRI. I've read that ovarian cysts can cause changes to digestion and urination as ovarian cysts can hit against the bowels or bladder if they're large. I think this is what is happening to me but it's like my GP doesn't believe me. Even though he knows that I have an ovarian cyst! I'm due to have a laparotomy soon to remove the cyst in case it twists and ruptures. A biopsy will be done to see if it's cancerous. I've been told that it's unlikely due to the type of cyst (dermoid) but still a small chance it could be. The ultrasound and MRI didn't show anything but that doesn't guarantee anything. 

    I've had bloating and constipation for a year so I feel like that in itself is not good. I went to a dietitian last year as I thought it was IBS but the dietary changes weren't working after several months. Then my period started getting very heavy, then I started bleeding between periods and it was only then that I was taken seriously..months later! 

    Classic symptom of ovarian cyst or ovarian cancer- abdominal bloating that persists and doesn't go in spite of dietary changes or no matter what you do. I either get bloating or constipation..it alternates.

    I've since read that if you have abdominal bloating for three weeks or more, it could be ovarian cancer and to ask your GP for a Ca125 blood test. Why are women not told this?? I feel like there's so much publicity given to breast cancer but none on ovarian cysts or ovarian cancer. Women are told check your breasts for lumps but not check for abdominal bloating or changes in digestion.

    I'm so sorry to hear that your cyst ruptured..waiting for results is so anxiety provoking. I've been told that the waiting can often be the worst part..I'm sending you my best wishes for the results. 


  • Thank you x

    I had breast cancer two years ago and I can confirm that the waiting is absolutely the worst part; once you know what you're dealing with you can get on with it.

    Without a doubt a large or multiple cysts are bound to affect your bladder and bowel. I personally feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball around with me! There's not a lot of room down there so it must affect the other organs. When I need the toilet I literally have to go there and then!

    If you've anything like this then put your foot down; no one knows your body like you do.

    I hope it turns out to be nothing but they drive home about the importance of early diagnosis xx 

  • Hi sugar snap,

    I hope you don't mind me asking did you have your dermoid cyst removed? And was it tested? If so what was the result? 

    I am currently waiting to have mine removed, I have an ultrasound next week to check on the size as I'm getting worsening symptoms. Even though in the initial ultrasound they said it's suggestive of a dermoid cyst I still can't help but worry that it might be malignant. 

    Would be helpful to hear your experience. 

    Thabks and hope you are well. 

  • Yes and my doctors kept blaming ibs I argued this however I was 24/7 bloated for well over 8 weeks and the medication just added to it I didn't suddenly bloat on the medication they have found am ovrain cyst however with strong laxatives the bloating has now gone as they believe the cyst is blocking my bowl from working properly i would ask your doctor for the laxatives you put in your bum as when I used those I seemed to de bloat a lot very fast however I was on sachets for 4 weeks before that they may think you have a facial impaction bit ask them for an ultra sound to make sure it's not a cyst 

  • Hi sorry to jump on... I have a dermoid cyst that they found during my c section, they was surprised it hadn't been picked up and had sent me for MRI due to hard component in the cyst. It's around 4cm I believe but at risk of ovarian torsion due to uneven weight thankfully it is a dermoid cyst. I do get extreme pain (constipation flare ups) Drs although hasn't officially diagnosed me said it's most likely IBS? I'm now wondering do you think it is connected to my cyst? The constipation along with the extreme pain I get? 

  • Hi MGLB00 and welcome to the forum.

    I noticed you were hoping to hear back from Manbar13.

    Unfortunately they haven't posted since August last year so there's a chance you may not get a reply.

    I really hope that won't be the case but if no-one responds to you on here, you could try reaching out to others on more active and recent discussions about this topic or starting your own discussion.

    Our team of nurses are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m if you'd like to talk things through with them as well.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator