Scan after FIT test

Hello everyone.  I have had IBS for a number of years.  It has worsened during the past month.  After a positive FIT test, ive been called for a CT scan of my abdomen & pelvis.

My question is, why have I been sent for a CT scan, rather than a colonoscopy?  I do hope someone can help me - my anxiety is sky high from not really understanding what's going on.  Thank you.

  • Hello Eleda and welcome to the forum.

    Your GP would be the best person to ask about this with but if you'd like to have a quick chat with one of our cancer nurses before doing so, they'll be available next week on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been had a CT scan instead of a colonoscopy will share their experiences with you soon.

    I hope you're able to get some answers and peace of mind over this soon Eleda.

    All the best,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator