HPV positive and bleeding after intercourse

Hi everyone 


Normally I would go to the doctor but I feel they fob me off so much I feel embarrassed to go now.

Bit of a weird one - I was on the implant, on my third implant my periods completely stopped and I didn't like it, I went to the drs and she offered me depressants (im

far from depressed) and changed me to the POP pill, long story short I haven't had a period for 3 years but in April I had my smear test and after 7 weeks of waiting I was HPV positive and have to go for a yearly smear test. Recently I have started bleeding after intercourse (engaged, been with my partne for nearly 7 years) I just feel like im being over dramatic going to the drs. Has anybody else experienced this? Thanks.

  • Hello Hannah2504

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing some recent bleeding after intercourse. It's important to get any unusual bleeding checked out so do make an appointment with your GP when you're able to. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hey. 
    I would go to the doctors just in case. I've had 2 smears both HPV positive, I'm due another in October this year and if I'm still HPV positive I'll have to have a colposcopy done. I've been bleeding on and off for the last 3/4 weeks, I went to the GP on Tuesday and they said my womb lining is bulky so they've referred me for blood tests and an internal ultrasound. 
    Get checked over at the docs even if it's just for peace of mind! 