Painful lump and too scared to twll anyone

Hiya, so im 16 and woke up this morning with a painful lump. Im on holiday and too scared to tell my mum and am wprrying about what it could be. I really dont wanna go to the doctors and have an examination and idk how long to leave it to see if it goes. Its solid but moves around the nipple area and hurts to the touch. What should i do?!


(sprry for awful spelling)


  • Chloe,

    Don't be afraid to tell your mum, she would want to know. You can have it looked at when you are back home. Doctors are used to seeing us and our "parts", it's no big deal to them. I will give the advice I give everyone that is afraid, knowing is so much better than worrying! If it is anything that needs to be taken care of, you can get it done, if not, you can carry on. If you start facing your fears now, it will serve you well in life! You got this!

    Laura x

  • I found a lump last Friday so I and many others here will understand that initial fear! In all Honestly the most likely cause is it's just a cyst or abscess, you still need to get this checked out as they can cause infections. Tell your mum to examine you as your boob doesn't feel right. Then when you get home you can book an appointment for you and you can request a female dr to examine you. I had my appointment with my dr on Monday and honestly it's not a long examination and literally takes a matter of seconds. When I went I didn't put a bra on just so I could lift up my top and put it back down again. And then they just feel around your arm pit and your neck to check all is well. They'll then likely give you a referral to the breast clinic to run tests this is all perfectly normal and will help them identify exactly what it is and how to treat it. 

    I know at 16 getting your boobs out for a dr is super scary and just feels embarrassing but from my experience from both female and male drs they literally don't care, they don't see your body like you see your body. To them a patients body is basically just a thing they need to look at that's it and it's nothing they haven't seen 1000 times before. I even got the giggles during my first smear test because of how "normal" she was acting, she then got confused and when I explained she said "this is normal for me". My point is just do it. Getting the examination and tests done will ease your mind. If you don't get it checked out you will just worry and get anxious constantly! 

    let your mum know aswell she'll be able to help you with this.


    good luck darling and let us know how you get on.