Fibroids and extreme bloating?

Hi all,

i am 26 and for about two years have suffered with bloating that recently has got considerably worse along with extreme fatigue and pain in my pelvis and lower back. 

two weeks ago I had an ultrasound and a mass was found on my left ovary, an MRI showed masses on my left ovary, in my womb and on my womb which they decided was fibroids at the MDT. 

However from what I can gather fibroids don't seem to cause the extreme bloating I am suffering, has anyone else experienced this as a symptom? 

my stomach can get so swollen that nothing fits me and I am in agony. This then pairs with heavy bleeding, acid reflux and general aching in my bones but agony in my lower abdomen.

I have another wait for another specialist and I just feel so exhausted and run down by the whole process so I was just hoping someone else has experienced similar - it's totally ruling my life. 

thanks x 

  • Hello KeeleyO

    I'm sorry to hear about the ongoing health problems that you're dealing with. It sounds like it's been a really difficult time for you and I can understand why you're feeling so exhausted and run down by the whole situation. 

    Whilst it's good to hear that the MRI didn't raise any immediate concerns with the MDT it obviously doesn't help in the here and now. Have you been told how long you'll need to wait to see the new Specialist? Hopefully, it won't be too long but it's worth giving them a call and maybe asking if they have any cancellation appointments available. 

    I do hope that the Consultant can get this sorted for you and that things improve for you soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Ovarian cysts cause bloating as well as heavy bleeding, pain in lower abdomen, pain in lower back, fatigue.

    I've found that the abdominal bloating is persistent- doesn't go away no matter what changes in diet I make, can feel like period cramps at times, isn't present all the time but keeps popping up, can result in weight gain due to all the bloat on my stomach. I'm finding it very hard to lose weight-I think the ovarian cyst is stopping me because I walk several times a week and I eat healthily. I'm due to get the ovarian cyst removed via surgery soon. There'll be a biopsy done on it to see if it's cancerous-Ive been told it's unlikely but there's a small chance it could be. It's affected my mood- like you, I'm exhausted. A lot of foods bloat me out- fizzy drinks, alcohol, sweeteners..the list goes on. 

    I have fibroids as well but they're small-think they can cause heavy bleeding. 

    You can get a Ca125 test-ask your GP. It's a blood test..only takes 5 minutes to do. It's not fully reliable but can indicate cancer if results are abnormal or something benign like endometriosis, benign ovarian cyst etc.