Pelvic Lesion

Hi all 

This is my first time posting here. 

I have an MRI booked for a 3x3cm pelvic lesion and I'm not sure what to expect. The consultant reviewed my ultrasound and stated it is "in a place that you would not usually expect one". It is on the left side of my anterior vaginal wall, pressing against my ureter. I have had a cystoscopy to confirm if it is inside, or outside, because they couldn't tell from an ultrasound. Urology confirmed there were no lesions inside. 

My symptoms consist of persistent bloating and pelvic pressure, abnormal vaginal bleeding (I'm currently having a spotting phase, for around 10 days now), and the constant urge to pee! Including mild incontinence.

I was wondering if anyone on here has had a mass in the same place? Considering they stated it is "interesting". Up until now I was doing ok and not worried about the outcome, but it has all of a sudden hit me. 

I'm quite young (mid 20's) so I'm not sure if I have age on my side or what, but my mind can't help popping little thoughts up. 

Thanks x 

  • Hello H201

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently having some investigations into a health concern. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about your upcoming MRI and what this mass may be. 

    We know that it can be a really difficult time waiting for tests and results. Hopefully, the MRI will give the team the information they need to make a diagnosis and you will have some answers soon. In the meantime, I wonder if you might find it helpful to have a chat with one of our team of nurses? Sometimes it can help to talk things through and I'm sure the nurses would be happy to offer any advice and support that they can ahead of your scan. If you'd like to chat with them they're available Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat moderator