Mole on sole of foot

I've been reading a lot of stories on this website so thought I would give a post as I'm quite worried. I noticed a small 'freckle' on the arch of my foot a few years ago and I thought it was strange as it appeared from nowhere but I forgot all about it until recently I seen it again and got quite a fright as it has grew quite significantly. I'm only in my 20's and obviously it's quite frightening so I've made an appointment to see the GP but the more I look at it the more I've convinced myself that it's something sinister. Also in the middle there is like a white spot so that's concerning me as well. 

  • Hi,

    It's not unusual for new moles to appear up to the age of 40. After that age we shouldn't really get new moles so they are treated more suspiciously. At your age it probably wouldn't be considered a problem, however, any mole that appears on the sole of the foot or palm of the hand is treated with more caution due to the location (not usually in the sun). 

    It's good that you have a GP appointment arranged & don't panic if they suggest a referral to dermatology for an expert to check it out. The dermatologist may suggest it's removed for a biopsy because of it's location but there is a very good chance it will be benign. I've had 7 moles removed in all - one on my shin was melanoma whilst the others, including one on the sole of my foot, were benign & that typifies the odds of someone that undergoes a biopsy. 

    Try not to Google as it's not helpful - the information isn't up to date and mainly centres on worse case scenarios rather than the broad type of experiences people have when they have a mole of concern. This website (CRUK), Macmillan and the British Association of Dermatologists are the only ones I recommend. 

    The odds are in your favour that it's nothing sinister so try not to dwell on it too much. Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)