29. Scared of colonoscopy in two weeks and results

Hi all

Im Alice, I'm 29 from Norfolk and am having colonoscopy in two weeks. My stool test was 260 which the Dr said is high. I'm unbelievably bloated it's uncomfortable, bowels were softer and blood when wiping. I also had a lot of blood in toilet bowl only for two days. The rest is when i wipe.

 I'm off work but they've been understanding. I'm super anxious of the results and the colonoscopy. I already suffer from bad anxiety and now I'm having bloomin panic attacks. I'm feeling v weak as no apetite. Drs suspect IBD, obviously I'm suspecting cancer. My nan died of bowel cancer aged 59. 

anyway, anyone else experiencing anything similar?



  • Hi Alice,

    I'm Danielle, 31 and currently waiting for my colonoscapy date.

    Ive always had an iron stomach as my husband has always had issues with IBS. I only started to have issues back in May where my poo had alot of mucus and twice Ive had a rumble in my stomach and hadnt managed to get to the toilet in time. Ive had blood in my stools for years but like an idiot never did anything about it. I started getting really bad pain below my belly button like trapped wind cramping is the only thing similar.

    Ive had bloods done and they all came back fine, my stool came back abnormal and I swear there must be a typo as the Faecal Calprotectin content test advised >6000ug/g "Results are above the normal limit consistant with active bowel inflammation suggest urgent gastro referral".


    Its not helped that my doctors never contacted me to advise this was abnormal. I was sent a text to make what I thought was an appointment at the hospital. Turns out it was a phone call with a Consulatant. Waited two weeks for the phone call and ended up being a memeber of the admin team advising that the Consulatant wanted me in for a colonoscopy and I would get someone else to call me within four weeks (currently in my third week, no call).

    I think my issue is no one has spoken to me I'm just getting pass around with words such as 'abnormal' and 'urgent' just freaking myself out!

  • Hi Love,

    I completely understand how you're feeling. It's also so frustrating when you're 'young' because if you hav e worries about cancer people say 'oh it's fine you're young'

    But abnormal obviously indicates something ms up whatever that may be.

    I found that calling 111 helped me. I live in a small village in Norfolk and the surgery is so busy and poorly staffed they fob you off. But 111 said right you need an urgent call today and they got me one like that! 

    don’t worry about calprotectin levels too much, I heard they usually test you for this if they suspect IBD which you may have. I'm not a Dr obviously but could you have internal haemorroids?!. Have you been asked to do a FIT stool test too? I have.

    You must insist on s colonoscopy date. Everything will be ok xx

  • Hi hope you are well, did you ever get answers x