Positive FIT test and abdominal pain anxiety and my story

Hi all

Just wanted to post this here as I've been reading this board a lot over the past few weeks and have gotten myself wound up with anxiety to the point that ive had anxiety attacks and actually causing more physical symptoms from stressing out over an abnormal FIT test result, and I just wanted to post here to give my story in the hope that others in a similar position may read it and not have to go through the sleepless nights that I have.

So I have been having abdominal pain on background of a known gallstone, I had a flare up and consulted my GP and they referred me back for surgical opinion but said it was non urgent, fair enough I thought, but then what if these symptoms were due to something else? So I ordered myself a home FIT test for my 40th birthday just to put my mind to rest - which came back positive. 

I contacted my GP who advised me to submit a FOB sample which I did and came back negative, it was only then that I read my GP should have given me 3 FOB samples to submit over a period of 3 days, so back I went and given another 2 FOB tests which I did and sent back. A week later my GP reports the lab didn't test them for faecal occult blood but for parasites, and suggested that we just go straight for a repeat FIT test which was carried out and sent off in the post.

A few days later of a Wednesday evening I received a text message asking me to make a routine appointment  with my GP to discuss the results, I called the next morning and was told that if it was urgent or abnormal they would have been in touch, and a routine appointment was made for two weeks. I then get a call that afternoon from my GP to say the test was actually positive (270+) and they would and me for a 2 week referral.

Now it's at this point I realise that my original abnormal FIT test was in May, with all the messing about it was now July and they are urgently referring me, along a 2 weeks "suspected cancer" pathway.

I immediately contacted a private hospital and my colonoscopy was today, which thank God only found 2 polyps that have been sent off for pathology, but didn't indicate any malignancy.

I am still yet to hear from the NHS referral which is now over the 2 week urgent referral date.

So, very relieved and thankful, and I just wanted to make a few points here as when I was Googling abnormal FIT test results some of the things I read really scared me.

A positive FIT test does NOT mean you have cancer, it just means that there is bleeding somewhere in your lower gastrointestinal tract, but this can be from loads of things other than cancer, so please if you do get an abnormal FIT test don't panic, but please don't just rely on the NHS and your GP to take appropriate action, chase chase and chase!

One of the statistics I was nearly sick reading was that 9 in every 100 people who had a colonoscopy following an abnormal FIT test found cancer - what needs to be clarified is that a FIT test is principally a screening test for colorectal cancer in the over 50-60s so this data isn't representative of younger people that are tested for abdominal pain, and also caught early these cancers are highly treatable hence the importance of early detection.

After a few days of googling symptoms and results I had to stop myself, the waiting really puts your brain into overdrive and you can end up making yourself sick with anxiety, please don't fall into the same trap, and just take it one day and one step at a time.

  • So I finally received my NHS urgent referral

    letter, having been originally referred on the 22nd as an urgent suspected cancer case, I today received a letter dated the 2nd of August inviting me to contact them between the hours of 10 and 12 or 2 - 3.30 Monday to Friday to arrange an "appointment slot" which doesn't even sound as it is the actual colonoscopy, just the initial consultation! And to add to this there's a little torn off slip in there stating that I need to contact my GP to have kidney function blood tests before I have the bowel prep that is needed for the colonoscopy.

    Had I not taken action and gone privately I would still, since May, be waiting for even my initial consultation, who knows when they would actually be doing the investigations themselves had I left it to the NHS.

    Simply not good enough.