Bleeding a week after a cervical biopsy

I had a cervical biopsy one week ago. After the biopsy I had no bleeding until 3 days later. It was quite heavy fresh blood, I called the clinic and they said it was normal. The bleeding stopped after a day and changed to brown bloody discharge, I have since had that up until now. Is it normal to have bleeding for this long? 

should also note that I have a bleeding disorder which means I take longer to stop bleeding than normal people. 

  • Hello Pinkblossoms, 

    A warm welcome to our forum! Our colposcopy page mentions that it is normal to experience some bleeding 5 days after having a biopsy and that this is normal and to be expected. It does suggest though that "you contact the colposcopy unit for advice if the bleeding is heavier than your usual period, or you are still bleeding after a week" so it wouldn't do any harm to just double check with them. You could also mention to them that you have this bleeding disorder that makes you bleed for longer than most people and whether this might explain the fact that you are still bleeding. 

    Try not to worry too much about it though and do give them a call for peace of mind if the bleeding continues. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator