Cervical Biopsy


I'm hoping someone will be able to give me some experiences or maybe a bit of reassurance!

I suffer with extreme health anxiety (currently medicated and in therapy!) 

I had a routine smear test done last month which came back with a HPV positive result and abnormal cell changes (low grade) so I was referred for a colposcopy at my local hospital. I was told during the colposcopy that he could see the abnormal cells and wanted to take a biopsy. All this was done today and apparently it will take 6 weeks or so for the result.

I am a very worst case scenario type of person at the best of times and I've been in such a state all afternoon convincing myself I will get a cervical cancer diagnosis. The consultants words were, he'd be amazed if it was cancer but he couldn't say for sure - of course. I haven't been eating properly or sleeping properly for weeks worrying over this and the fact they needed to do a biopsy today has not helped! I know I am being dramatic and my logical brain tells me he was very reassuring, I also have no symptoms at all and my last smear test 3 years ago was fine so the chances of having a scary diagnosis now is slim but I can't help but feel terrified! I am a 28 year old single mum of 2 little ones who I'm trying to hide my emotions from! The worst thing you can do is google, I know, but I couldn't help myself and reading some horror stories has put me in such a state!

Does anyone know what else these abnormal cells could be? All I see and hear is cancer. Any experience or reassuring stories would help me no end right now.

thank you :happy:

  • Hi Laurena

    These abnormal cells are likely to be exactly that-abnormal cells, which are pre cancerous but not cancer. Low grade changes are the least severe of any type of cell change, so I would be reassured by what the doctor is saying. It’s standard practice to take a biopsy to check the cells, but this doesn’t mean they suspect cancer or it will be cancer. It’s just a routine checking procedure. 

    Dr Google is not your friend in these situations and will lead you to a self diagnosis of cancer when it’s nothing of the sort. It will help your anxiety no end if you stop googling horror stories and focus on the fact that you have had your screening and the consultant has not expressed concern.