I have posted before I think I just am really concenred. So last September we noticed a hard lump not overly huge on my child’s mastoid bone behind ear. Took her to the doctor who said gland. We left it then asked for an ultrasound and they said looks like a cyst. Got sent to ENT (not the one we wanted to see) she said leave it six months and didn’t check it. Called back and saw them six months later and she said now it isn’t a cyst but she also looked at the wrong ear and refused to let me correct her! So I was confused. The doctor then re did ultrasound and said the same as before it’s more than likely a cyst. And now in a month it has grown even bigger and it’s rock solid. She has a lump on the other ear same spot that moves and feels tiny and like a gland but the one on her left ear is a rock it’s does not move it is attached and is huge. What am I supposed to think have they misdiagnosed her? We see a new ENT soon but I’m so scared she has also lost a lot of weight. Can an ultrasound be wrong? Can a cyst grow quickly and be so hard?