Feeling so worried, scared and alone

I am suffering with acid reflux and GP referred me for endoscopy. I thought everything would be okay but they found a bulge on my stomach. No one on NHS told me what this was just sent me off with a report for follow up CT scan. I was really scared so booked a private consultation. He looked up my CT results for me as this would be a lot quicker than the NHS. He said all clear, roll on 2 weeks and I get a letter from NHS saying they want an MRI of liver. I suffer with severe anxiety and panicked and said I couldn't do it. Went back to private consultant who said sorry and that his radiologist had missed this and looking at report it is most likely a benign growth on liver. He said he would do MRI. The problem is I am terrified of having an MRI. He has asked me to have an MRCP and MRI of abdomen. I'm absolutely terrified. I don't think I can do it. I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown and they will find something else and keep asking for more tests. My family are supportive but insist I have this MRI. I feel mentally shattered and don't know what to do. I just want to get on with living my life instead of constantly worrying about it all the time.