Hi all,
I've been experiencing tummy pain (bloating, discomfort, cramps,etc.) for about two months now and I've recently done some blood tests and stool tests. The GP said that all blood tests are absolultely fine, except a low level of vitamin D. The main problem is that the stool calprotectin level is 183 which he says is high and it shows an inflammation in the bowel. He reffered me to a GI however inly in October. I am now trying to move this forwards as I think it can get worse by then...I am fairly scared as I am not sure what this really is....Any ideas, can it be something quite bad or what do you think? Any reply will be much appreciated. I don't really want to think that it could be something like cancer as I am only 25 and from what I read online the calprotectin level is not that high to show such as risk...but my mind is still thinking about all the possibilities....