Swollen lymph node?

Just today, I noticed a small lump just above my collarbone when I strain it. It is very small, only a few millimetres. It doesn't hurt to touch, and moves when I touch it. Looking at research, I wasn't sure if this was a swollen node as I haven't had a cold or infection in well over a year. This is the first one i've noticed and suffering with health anxiety, I have been panicking since I saw it. I told my mum and she believes its a swollen node, to at least put my mind at rest before I see my GP? I have been on Rigevidon for about 6 weeks and Sertraline but I wasn't sure if these would be related

  • Just a thought - have you had the Covid vaccine recently? A lot of people are reporting a swollen node in either the collar bone or armpit area and investigations have found them to be benign. They are starting to think that the vaccine is causing this in some patients & if it is, it's actually a good thing. Nodes swell to fight an infection (as well as for other reasons) and the body is reacting to a 'foreign body' being introduced into it so it means the person's immune system is strong & doing it's job - trying to repel invaders. I had a node appear on my chest the day after my 2nd vaccine. A fine needle aspiration biopsy carried out by my cancer consultant showed the node was benign so it's being put down to the vaccine.

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • I had my first dose last wednesday (30th June) but I had no idea the jab could cause swollen nodes!