I think I have Stomach/Gastric Cancer (25 Year Old Male)

UPDATE: I've found a Lump at the top of my Tummy about an hour ago. Don't know how long it's been there. I don't know what it's called, but it's the areas between the Rib Cage just above the Arche where the Stomach/Liver sit, where the Esophagus runs down I presume.  

I've already made a Post on here thinking I had Pancreatic Cancer a few Months ago, but since I've had both an Ultrasound and IV Contrast (Not Oral) CT Scan (both Clear) I'm starting to think I have Stomach Cancer as I didn't have the Oral Contrast. Didn't know Oral Contrast was a thing as I wasn't told about it.

I was meant to have a Gastroscopy back in April this Year but I was too scared to go through with the Procedure and now my Symptoms are getting worse. I'm starting to really Panic, keep thinking I'm going to really Regret not having the Procedure when I could have a few Months back.


This is a Shorter but more detailed Post than my last a few Months Back. If you want to see my other Post you can to get a more detailed view.


Back in March of last Year (2020) I Started getting Pain in my lower Abdomen below my Belly Button. This started one Night a few Hours after I ate a Kebab, so I thought it was Food Poisoning. A Day or two later I went to the Hospital to see what I could do about Food Poisoning.

Over the next few Month's the Pain persisted and in June or July (can't remember) I sat on the Toilet one Day to have a Poo and after I finished, I got up turned around and saw loads of Blood in the Toilet. When I started to wipe my Behind, I noticed that all the Toilet Paper was Red. I contacted my Doctor and told them what happened and he told me to see if it happens again. Around that time I had Black Tarry Stools too for a while before then and a while afterwards.

The Pain persisted and in October 2020 I started to get a New Pain, this time above my Belly Button in the Left Side in line or just below my Bottom Left Rib. I'm not sure if the Pain changed or it's a completely different Pain because it feels and acts very differently than the previous Pain.

The Pain itself feels like a Dull Ache and sometimes a Burning Ache. It comes and goes throughout the Day randomly and can last a few Seconds to a few Minutes, Eating can set it off again. I occasionally get a Sharp Ache a little further up in or behind the Left Ribs after Eating and sometimes when Breathing.

Most of these Symptoms started within the past couple Months

● Along with the Pain I feel constantly Tired all the time even though I now sleep 10-11 Hours. Sometimes I can't sleep because of the Pain, even though I'm tired.

● I suffer a lot from Indigestion and Burp a lot more than I used to from Gas Build-up.

● I feel constantly Sick, Eating and Drinking makes the feeling worse.

● I also get Bloating after Eating

● Occasionally when I Eat, I get Food Stuck at the back of my Throat. Every time I try Swallowing afterwards, it hurts until it gets Dislodged.

● Loss of Appetite

● My Stools are very Soft and my Bowel Habits change quite often. Wednesday (30th June) I started getting very Watery Diarrhoea and Yesterday (2nd July) I went 4 times within 1 Hour.

● Around where the Pain is (In line/just below Left Rib) I get Gurgling every time I Push my Stomach out or Breathe in (Well, same Motion) and sometimes it's accompanied by the Pain. It's never been this frequent or as Load as it is now. When I Jog, it happens constantly as I Run. Sometimes I can also hear Liquid/Water moving around along with the Gurgling.

● I have a constant Tightness around my Upper Left Abdomen, it gets that Tight that I can't feel that part of my Abdomen like it's been Numbed. When I can feel it, it feels like I have a Tight Belt around it and I can't fully Breathe in/Push my Stomach out like it gets Stuck.

● I've bring up Blood before as well a few times, but I'm not sure. It could be a Gum issue as it's in my Saliva.

● Don't know if this is related or not but about 1-2 Months ago I noticed my Left Eyelid has Lowered and my Eyelids are no longer Even. One of my Pupils are Smaller than the other all of a sudden as well. It's become more noticeable in the past 2 Weeks and I've started getting occasional Twitching in my Eye. It also feels like I have something in my Eye and my Eye Aches. My vision isn't what it used to be.

The Eyelid thing has made me more worried as I've done my research and it could be Horner's Syndrome caused by a Pancoast Tumour. Stomach Cancer, normally spreads to the Lungs and that's made me even more worried than I was before it started as it's confirming even more that I have it.

Don't know how Common Stomach Cancer is in a 25 Year Old Male but I do know Stomach Cancer and Bowel Cancer are on the rise in Young Adults. 


  • Hey Fruitful,

    I felt drawn to reply to your post. 

    I've recovered from my own cancer diagnosis & I'd like to share some of my experience & (hopefully) wisdom with you. 

    First off, I learnt many different illnesses share the same symptoms. 

    My Surgeon advised me not to look on NHS websites for info, as it can lead you down some dark holes, & may not even be relevent to you. 

    I felt this was good advice. 

    In my case I was given three different diagnosis:

     - The first one was pancreatic cancer

     - The second was Duodenal cancer

     - & finally it was confirmed as Ampullary Adenocarcinoma 

    I can relate to some of your symptoms, but not all of them. 

    It doesn't necessarily mean you have ANY of the diagnosis I mentioned above though. 

    Initially they thought I had gall bladder disease. 

    So, you see it's not all cut & dried. 

    One final point, I get why you fear having an operation (I was scared too), but you know what? 

    The operation is the EASY part (should you need one). 

    Mine was 12 hours & I don't remember a thing! 

    One moment I was having a laugh with the anethnatist, he asked if I was 'ready to go for it'. 

    I agreed & the next thing I knew I was coming around again!

    I knew NOTHING about it!! 

    The pain was well managed afterwards & all I had to do was focus on my recovery. 

    You are half my age as well. 

    NONE of this is advice, I'm not qualified to give it. I'm simply trying to encourage you & offer the benefit of my own experience. 

    As for me, it's 6 months down the line & I'm back to my full hours at work now. I've put weight back on. 

    I eat normally with the help of medication. 

    I'm cancer free, so far so good. 

    I'm cheering you on & wishing you great treatment & full health. Keep the faith! :) 

  • Hello DGDigital

    I have sent you a friend request because I'm being investigated for what you have had.

    Could I please talk with you about it?


  • I'm glad you're ok now and thank you. Yeah, maybe I'm thinking to much about the Procedure. I'm going to see if I can get an urgent referral for a Gastroscopy and I'm definitely doing it this time because I just want to get this over with hopefully. I do tend to Google my Symptoms as I have Health Anxiety but what I'm currently going through doesn't scream Anxiety to me. Thank you for your Post :)

  • Googling your symptoms is normal to be fair, & I did it too. Ha ha 

    It's good to try & keep perspective as well though, when you do. 

    I also think feeling worried or anxious is also to be expected. You are human after all. 

    I turned yellow (jaundiced) & was itchy all over my body. It drove me insane & kept me awake at night! 

    Hopefully yours can be rectified with a more straight forward procedure than I had. 

    PS. Good luck my man! :) 

  • I accepted your friend request yesterday (I think). 

    Yeah, sure, send me a PM if you like, Fallmare. :)

  • Thankyou so much..

    I'll message you this afternoon

    Really appreciate it.


  • I can't help Googling my Symptoms because of my HA (Health Anxiety) and it's horrible constantly thinking the worst possible outcomes. What annoys me is some people think it's my Anxiety but having HA doesn't mean that I can't have a Serious Illness and that I'm invincible because no one's invincible.

    That's the main reason it's taken so long and I still haven't found the cause. I need to have a Gastroscopy this time with Deep Sedation because of my Anxiety. Never been Sedated so I'm a bit worried about it but it's probably better than the constant Gagging.

    That would scare me, turning yellow. I already look in the Mirror for that reason to see if I have or not. Others probably think I'm a Narcissist for doing so haha 

    Thank you :)